27 October 2007

World holds on for us

I hate my beloved home without you.
If those seven days were a lifetime, my life would have been complete with you.
The every new seven days without are meaningless,
everything I do without you is meaningless, so I stop doing them.
I stop living those new seven days without you.

There is no meaning in spending a lifetime alone.

08 October 2007

Cure of soul

How can this be, all of sudden everything is how it’s supposed to be.
I fear nothing, I’m surrounded with continual security.
How can this be, that this great love is for real?

Maybe something happened here?

03 October 2007


I used to be bored at lot. And now I just realized I haven’t been bored in a very long time, there’s not been any time for it. But now, in this moment, I’m bored, I’m really bored and I think I know why.I’m writing on an essay about depression, and I’m fed up with it. Not writing the essay but with reading and writing about depression. You hear about it all the time, you see it everywhere. It’s boring and it’s depressive and depressive is boring.

Okay, so things that really do not bore me or others are surprises.
I got one the other night when I was workin
g at the pub, and this man comes in with a bouquet of ten lovely red roses to apologize. Oh, what the hell, I just wanted to brag about the roses!