16 April 2007

The altruistic plan of mine

Everyone is lost in them self, including me. I had a dream last night, in which I woke up, but I really didn’t, I hope I’m awake now writing this. I realised from that dream I had lost myself in myself, and that is what’s making my altruistic plan for human decline. This altruistic plan of mine is my life project and I really don’t have time playing naive games, contribute some kind of “you and I“, or be in familiar terms with who or what so ever.
So this plan is a life project like I said, and it will never end, for me of course it will end when I die. By that time I hope I have someone who can assume responsibility of this plan. Like the evolution there is purpose in this plan but just keeping straight balance, making sure nothing disturbs the way of nature itself. Because, there is always an answer to everything, and it goes; it is in the nature of things.
To the question of how I came up with this idea, the answer lies in the many hours I have spent during my lifetime, observing the people, trying to make sense to their actions, reflecting over the relationships there is, trying to define what is right or wrong, until I discovered there is no such thing as right or wrong, then trying to reforming ideas about it, and so on and on.
Anyway, what I’m trying so say is that, I have no self-interest in doing this but the love for human beings.


Anonymous said...

Uch! "Det ligger i sakens natur" utrycket som bara gör en ännu mer förvirrad..
Skönt att känna att det är fler som tänker på framtiden också.. Men man kan ju försöka göra några av sina mål till verklighet innan man stämplar ut..

Anonymous said...

Dagen boktips: "Vid floden Piedra satte jag mig ner och grät" Hade tänkt ge den till dig i födelsedagspresent för den är så fin. Får en att tänka till om livet och kärleken, tror den skulle falla dig i smaken!

För övrigt så är jag inne på min andra dag av bakfylla. Det är sant det de säger om vad som händer när man fyller 25!

Love ya!

Paulo Coelho heter han som skrivit förresten. Så, iväg till biblioteket!

kathryn merteuil said...

matilda, my dearest :)
jag ville ju höra allt om lördagen idag ju men du verkade upptagen på andra håll.
kul att du hittat hit i alla fall,
love you too darl.

Emre Kızılkaya said...

That reminds me a word of Ibn Arabi, a Muslim philosopher.

He says: "The totality of our being is not only the part which we at present call our person, for this totality also includes another person, a transcendent counterpart which remains invisible to us, as our 'eternal individuality' or our divine name."

kathryn merteuil said...

Emre Kizilkaya
Ibn Arabi got a point there... :)