18 April 2007

Sense of happiness

I came home from work just a couple of minutes ago, I worked at the pub today. There was this game in football, Gothenburg playing against Stockholm. And they lost, but people were still happy, that’s just how things are in Gothenburg. It was really crowded all the time, I didn’t have a chance to think about anything but serving people their beer and food, and I love it. Now I’m all tired, I barely know my own name. But I’m happy as I could ever be. And here is a song I love. And, I love you all, too.


Anonymous said...

njamiiiiii:)))) Pls....one beer...:)

Anonymous said...

Wiho. Äntligen en stad som förstått att man inte kan ta fussball så allvarligt. (Ska man tjura eller ut och slåss kan man väl komma på bättre skäl än att ens favoritlag förlorade? Typ skattepolitik... :)

Anonymous said...

Ja det är götet i ett nötskal.. Saknar det lite.. Här är alla så grå bara. Låten är grymt skön och bra!

Anonymous said...

....Nadam se da si se odmorila....A pjesma je...pa...malo je reci,ceznjiva .o))


kathryn merteuil said...

for you, its self-serving, aiiight.

faktiskt, typ skattepolitik, ankor, ect.

jasta (obs på bos, betyder, såklart)

odmaram se koliko god mogu, sutra opet novi dan,, :)

Anonymous said...

Glad some people can have fun when they lose. I tell you what, you don;t want to be in Millwall in south London when they lose....

God Bless those good-natured Swedes, any country that has Miss.Kluft has to be awesome

kathryn merteuil said...

Miss Kluft you say. You got the hots for Carolina? Hm, probably bc of her enthusiastic moves after and sometimes before her competition!

Anonymous said...

Nah, for that I watch womens tennis like every other man I know.Oooooooh Martina Navratilova