04 April 2007

Here comes the rookie

So, after three months of thinking about starting to write a blog, I’ve made up my mind.
Here I am, it’s not like I’ve not been here before and given up.
I decided to give it a chance again, but this time my dear friends, its going to be in English. So I can start dreaming about people worldwide reading my nonsense.
At first I thought about writing a blog in secret, like making up a character, I’ve heard of people doing it. But hey, who can have a more interesting character then little me?
I feel like I’m in a very intense period of my life, its all very hectic and chaotic.

So, on this very special day I welcome you all to my blog, This is where I’ll cry my heart out in words. I hope you’ll have a good time.


Anonymous said...

Oh, exactly what I need, something to read when there's nothing to do, as always. :) Thanks!

Pedjosooo said...

ovo je nesto fino sto si napisala, pa makar i ako nije na nasem vidi se da ti je proljece u glavi..ja bi rado da nastavis pisati fine price sto gode mojem srcu:)

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your blogs my friend, thank you for letting me take part of your pouring heart, no matter what comes out of it, I'll be here to listen.. ;)

kathryn merteuil said...

you're all such huns, thanks for the encouragement, with love!

Anonymous said...

ovo je nesto lijepo napisano od tebe..svaka cast!