04 April 2007

Singing my hometown song

I’m leaving my dear Gothenburg tomorrow and heading to east-coast Oskarshamn. It’s been almost four moths since last time, I don’t know how I feel about going there. Actually I do, I’m scared. It’s sad but true that the time goes so very, very slow. Most of the time I really don’t know what to do. I get restless and I hate it.
But on the other hand, I miss my family a lot and I miss my dear, dear Matilda. I really look forward to our two-hour-walk down the shore. I have to convince myself it’s going to be just fine, alright.
Breathe in, breathe out, move on.
I just talked to one of my old biaches, she thought I should do this list-thing. So here we go.

INSTRUCTIONS: Write 15 statements, intended to 15 different people; good/bad things you’ve always wanted to tell them. Never tell which one is to whom.

1. You and I could never last forever.
2. When will you get it, I’m not over you, no, there wasn’t anything ever between us, so there is nothing to get over.
3. I know what you did last night!
4. I was so wrong, and you were so right.
5. I’m so scared of loosing you so I can’t even make it to “having you”.
6. If I was a lesbian I would definitely have sex with you.
7. I don’t give a damn about whatever comes out your mouth.
8. God, you so turn me OFF.
9. I had a date with another guy 20 min after I had left you.
10. You were my first.
11. I have never kissed someone who kisses as bad as you.
12. I’m sorry but I’m just too good for you.
13. It takes a lot to bore someone like you do.
14. I’ve blocked you from my msn, that’s why I’m always offline MF.
15. I get butterflies everytime I look at you.

By the way friends, feel free to leave comments in the language you prefer.
And here is the hometown song;


Anonymous said...

jag är ju DEFINITIVT nummer sex azzå!

kathryn merteuil said...

oh yeah, definitivt.

Anonymous said...

fan va luriluri

Anonymous said...

jag kan lista ut en o annan person...;)

Pedjosooo said...

pa zar jedva necekas se vratiti tamo odakle pripadas u svoj Oskershamm da vidis rodbinu i staru raju..samo se pitam u koji od ovih 15 tacaka ja spadam, jesam li uopste inkludiran:)

kathryn merteuil said...

JAZ, det är klart att du kan, haha.

Pedja, pa reci srce koja ti odgovara?

Pedjosooo said...

meni odgovara sve sto je tebi fino zato ti meni reci koji sam od ovih 15:)

Anonymous said...

hometown song har jag sett videon till, tror jag. Det kanske inte var den jag fick av dig för längesen. Nyfikenheten över listan har inte lagt sig heller...

Anonymous said...

Hej! Kul att se att du börjat skriva igen! Man tröttnar alltid på ohamn. Lycka till att klara 48h. Den där listan var ju klart intressant. Väcker en del frågor men det är nog det som är meningen ;) Coolt med eng by the way ;)

kathryn merteuil said...

mattias, kanske eller kanske inte, men om du har den så får du gärna skicka den till mig. :)

martin, kul att du också hittat hit. och oskarshamn, breathe in, breathe out antar jag.

Anonymous said...

Äh, oskarshamn överleveru! ;)
Måste ha något som du kan jämnföra med, lite tråkigt ibland för att uppskatta det alldra roligaste. :)
Oh, älskar listor, snor denna ! :D

Anonymous said...

om jag är rätt anders vet jag inte riktigt. men jävligt länge sen var det i alla fall. hur rullar livet på för dig?

kathryn merteuil said...

fridah, jag överlever väl några dagar.

anders, typiskt dig och svara så, då är det rätt anders. livet rullar uppochner kära du.

Anonymous said...

well, some things never change...