08 April 2007

I feel you

Yesterday I talked to a friend about signs. I said I'm waiting for some kind of sign before I get a total turn-off.

And what happend when I took an oracle card today? I got the card; SIGNS

"Pay careful attention to the messages the angels give you now.
You have asked for a sign, and they deliver it. Notice and trust these signs.
You've asked for heaven to help you. Now it's up to you to pay attention to the evidence of their help. This card signifies that your angels are trying to get your attention with signs. They might ask a butterfly or bird to fly near you. Or they might compel you to hear a song several times. They might put an object in your path so that you have to notice it. Drawing this card is also a sign from your angels. They are trying to get through - please notice!
You can ask your angels to give you a sign whenever you have a question or a decision to make. Usually, it's not a good idea to specify what type of sign you'd like. Leave that up to the angels. They are very good at making their presence known

Angels, show yourself.


Anonymous said...

Yo...now I've added your blog to my faves, apparently this is a hang-out place for me...in return I SHALL expect that gin and tonic in PD...man, I gotta start one of my own blogs...just kinda scared what kind of stupidity I'll add in there.HV

Anonymous said...

Intressant! Undrar vad det kan innebära.. men det får väl framtiden och änglarna berätta..

kathryn merteuil said...

gin and tonic, man,, you know i dont drink. hahaha.
