08 April 2007

The opposite sex

Ok. So, I think it was in the end of November last year I met this guy out one night. We talked and exchanged numbers, ok. We said we were going to take a coffee sometime but that never happened. I think last time he asked me out was in January, I received a message but didn’t answer it. OK!
So now, (cmon on, seriously!) it’s April and this guy seems not have given up. I received a message five minutes ago which goes; “Hey sweety, how are you, it has been a while… Hope we can meet maybe soon? Big hugs from “the guy”.
OK again, SERIOUSLY, what to do.
I know he is not going to read this but if he ever did I like to give him this message;
“You must be joking me, MAN, you have to ask your hippocampus to erase me from your brain system, peace bro!”

I’m sorry for bitching but SERIOUSLY, SERIOUSLY, SERIOUSLY!


Anonymous said...

I told you what's the the naughtiest thing to do...now do it and laugh. At least you'll get a laugh....so just let me know what happens.

kathryn merteuil said...

oh well, you will always know babes.

Anonymous said...

:))) Jebote...cccc ...neka vala...treba i to neko biti...A koji ti je stvarno? Mislim si, koji će ti to ba? :)

kathryn merteuil said...

ima njih u kategoriji "bezveze" pa pretrpano!
ne kontam sta hoces reci "koji mi je stvarno"?

Anonymous said...

que pasa hombrita?? :)

kathryn merteuil said...

MF amygdala tranquilo!

Anonymous said...

I still think you should play a game, at least you'll get a laugh out of it, otherwise he'll sms you again in a few months' time...unless that is what you secretly hope for?

kathryn merteuil said...

i dont give of my time to people who i dont really give a damn about. besides, i dont play games. :)

Anonymous said...

Alrighty then...what's hippocampus? Actually, I'll ask someone else to explain that ;-)
As long as you're cool with your situation hun, that's all that matters

kathryn merteuil said...

YEAH ASK THE ORACLE (evelin), gives u a reason to talk to her. haha.

Anonymous said...

Ja människor är verkligen inte lätta att tas med.. Det lurar alltid en massa fula fiskar i vattnet. Och är man så dum så man inte visar sitt intresse så kan man ju bara vända i dörren och dra! Jag skulle ju absolut velat dricka kaffe med dig..

Anonymous said...

mmm..jadan momak, vidis li kako sve pokusava a ti tako bitchas..gdje ce ti dusa.. (u pakao zna se):)ej cuo sam da su jutros dvoje otisli u zrak tamo u tvojem bos.novom, jeste vi zajeban narod:) Pedja (nemogu nikako skontati ovo sranje sa password)

kathryn merteuil said...

du har missuppfattat inlägget.

mash ti.

Anonymous said...

Avaj....hoces izaci sa mnom? :)))

kathryn merteuil said...

Vala s tobom nigdje iz khm.

Anonymous said...

E neces vala da mi se uvijas, izvijas...Nego ajde ti meni fino...neces sa mnom nigdje iz khm...? Cega koga cemu komu?:)

kathryn merteuil said...

nigdje od, bez, iza tebe.

nowhere without you.

ingenstans utan dig.

I TO JE TO. ajd mashh sad.

Anonymous said...

U attract weirdos...get a baseball bat to beat them off. Go on girl, unavailability rocks!!!

kathryn merteuil said...

i rock, of course, write ur mf name nigga.

Anonymous said...

reci mu ba...glavom ga udari...:)))

Anonymous said...

Han har helt enkelt svårt att träffa nya tjejer, så han klänger kvar i den sista han träffade. Enkelt, frågan är hur du skakar av dig honom. Han borde förstå snart tycker jag...

kathryn merteuil said...

haha, jag skiter i vilket, han gav mig ett gott skratt iaf.

Anonymous said...

You're so cruel! ;P