Aghhh, for those who know me, they know I’m sharp as a razor when it comes to telling people to, hm well, fuck off. But now as it seems, that is the only two words I’m able to pronounce.
05 May 2007
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Qué pasa Hombrita? :/
...Post title is related to you or to...?
take care...
hombrita,,1,soy loco.
you think I should get real?
...I was just a question. Not My Opinion.
Take care - was written in a best - have a good night...
...Sorry - typo mistake : It was....
not taking it as anything else but a question, but i was just asking too, simple as....
gnite lunjo.
...And, of course - not just that you should get real, I believe that you are real. There is a reason for my question. Nothin' else...
Laka noc...
" There " - means- in my believing that you are real person...
Ili ,razlog sto te uopce pitah ista, je u mom osjecaju ili vjerovanju,da si osoba povezana sa realoscu, realna...
Toliko...da izbjegnem ikakavav nesporazum...
the post, just reminding, that sometimes its necessary to get real,
we all need to tell eachother that.
maybe im too real?
...Ne ponekad. Uvijek.Nikad ne gubiti vezu s realnoscu. Ali,to iz mene govori Bik...
A ja kao osoba jake intuicije samo osjecam da si uznemirena. Nista vise.
uznemirena? objasni mi to, odkud i kako.
"govori bik" i to mi objasni, jer ja se nerazumijem u te take stvari.
....I cannot explain it exactly. There si a part od my personality - a very strong intuition. Not easy to explain.
"Govori Bik " - very simple - I belong to the Sign of Taurus.It is a Earth' Sign and like Virgo and Capricorn - it is very connected to reality and racio.
Notin' else...
aha nisam mislila to, nego objasni ti meni zasto tvoja intuicija govori da sam uznemirena, odkud je tvoja intuicija to uhvatila?
hm mislim se, tako znaci po zoldiac signs,, se za realnost, eh.
...Osjecam.Rekoh da ne umijem pojasniti zasto osjecam.
I zelim svako dobro..
neosjecaj samo previse, jer to se kaze histerican karakter, kad samo po intuicijama ides. (psihologija)
nebi rekla da postoji neko sto zeli nesto sa namjerom lose. jel to sad zato sto sam vodolija? :)
it seems you're really pissed off for some reason:)
....Hm.Svasta mozda jesam,ali - histerican karakter - ne:o)))
Ne, ja ne idem po intuciji. Ne vlada ona mnome. Samo rekoh, sta osjecam.
Izgleda da nisam trebala.
I izraz,recenica - " zelim svako dobro " - je warm regards..or somthin' like that.
To be completely clear - I will repeat it on English,first part of my comment :
I could be anythning but hysterical nature :o))
Because - intution do not lead me,or rule me.It is a part of my personality and I m'taking into account in some occassion.
I just told you ,what I felt. Nothing else. Maybe and obviously -It was mistake.
Have a good night...
seems like youre the only one to know. yet its nothing thats really diffuse about "fuck off", am i right or am i right? :)
hum, maybe you should be more careful with your statements,
not that i suffer here or anything, but others might really believe in your opinion as true,,, that comes from your so called "intuition"
....As I told you -it was mistake.
So sorry.
But - it is not
" so called",unfortunatelly. My long life experience has showed me so many times.
There is no needs to be rude. I didn't want to disturb you. Nor to make you more pissed of. I truly believed that we were Talking.Not anything else. Even not disscusting.
I am very careful with my statement. But,once again - my apoligise.
And,once again as well - no needs to be rude.
Hvala,laka noc...
aman lunjo bolan.
sad me vala ljutis kad mislis da je ovo nesto drugo osim razgovora, jer ja stvarno postujem tvoje komentare,
nije meni namjera uposte bila da budem "rude".
i onaj znam da ti imas vise godina, zato sigurno i vise iskustva, al nije samo u godinama, jer vazno je sta je covjek radio od svojih godina.
..Naravno da nije stvar u broju godina no u tome sta se uradilo s njima ili tokom njih.A ja stojim i iza broja svojih godina a i onoga sta prodjoh, prozivjeh i sa svim greskama i uspjesima, sta sve uradih od tih svojih godina.:o)
Jer,samo zato i spomenuh svoje godine. Ne da njih napomenem ili ono sto u svome zivotu uradih ,nego jer me sav moj zivot intuicija pratila i bila di mene. zato pomenuh " life experience " . Znaci - iskustvo, ne samo duzina zivota.:o)
I samo kazem - voljela bih da je nemam ,ali imam inutuiciju, ali naravno,kako me ne poznajes, tvoje je pravo da kazes sta pomislis.:o)
I vjerovatno ti nije bila namjera da budes gruba. Ali ja i to osjetih pa reagovah. No, to sam ja...Uvazavam tvoju tvrdnju da nisi htjela biti gruba.
Hmmm.. Irriterande hur hon hela tiden vill framstå som den lugna, ERFARNA förståndiga läraren.. Hon tror att det ger henne ngn form av övertag. Jag tycker fortfarande att hennes argument faller snabbare än röven hennes.
Kram på dig tjejen..
"än röven hennes" är dagens hahaha.
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